The Str8OutDaDen Podcast
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8 years ago

Know Your Role: Taking A Closer Look At Your Team

Answer these two questions for me. How many peopl…

Answer these two questions for me. How many people are on your team? How many people on your team are rappers/artists too? Well for this week's episode we breakdown how to take a closer look at your team and how to know your role.

We define what the ideal team should look like, go over a few pros and cons of what will happen if you get a new team and more.

So you know the drill...sit back...Relax and Listen!

Can you answer a one question survey? Here's the link

*If you have a topic that you would like for us to discuss or have questions you want answered, send us an email to [email protected] and we will pick a few to discuss on the show.***

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